
— Ryan Curry, Boone County Board

Charlotte Kennedy with her father who recently celebrated his 100th birthday.

“I have had the privilege of working with Owen on a parade for a Poplar Grove WWII Veteran who was turning 100 years old. I was amazed at Owen’s positive attitude and response to being a part of this day. Owen wrote a proclamation for this hero and presented it to him during the parade. It was incredibly refreshing to see such an outpouring of love and respect for this veteran. Owen has a positive attitude and I believe he’s playing a positive role in making this community a better place.”
— Shelley Peterson

“Owen Costanza’s leadership during these hard and unusual times has helped keep many of our businesses open. Owen knows what it is like as a business owner so when our family business went to him for help he could relate to the struggles we have been going through. That’s true leadership!”
— Owners of Hydeout and Boone County Family Restaurant

“I have served the people of Poplar Grove for over a decade now and during that service, I have seen our little village grow and prosper. During my time in office, I have worked alongside four Village Presidents including our current President, Owen Costanza. Owen is a businessman and as our President, he has facilitated infrastructure improvements, growth in our business base, and growth in homeownership. This growth has paid for the improvements and will provide a healthy tax base so that the burden does not fall on our taxpayers. During Owen’s first term we have balanced our budget and raised our credit rating in a time when many communities have been struggling. I urge you to vote to continue the good work and leadership that Owen has given to us.”
— Ron Quimby, Poplar Grove Village Trustee

“I am thankful for Owen Costanza and his great leadership as President of the Village of Poplar Grove! Thank you for being bold and standing up for the American people“
—Pastor Brian T. Phillips

“I have worked with Owen Costanza for 5 years on a variety of projects and issues. He is always accessible, listens to different points of view, and is willing to act to get things done! It is important to have Mayors that understand the need to talk to legislators about local problems and work to accomplish solutions for Poplar Grove and Boone County problems. He has stood up to officials in Springfield and their “one size fits all” approach to Covid19 and the rest of their programs. We need Owen to continue to fight for all of us!”
— Dave Wiltse, Boone County Board District 1

“The Village of Poplar Grove President Owen Costanza has proven his dedication and service to the residents of Poplar Grove. Poplar Grove continues to improve under his leadership and as a resident and business owner he can relate to his constituents in the way the Poplar Grove Airport has become respected and successful as a top privately owned-open to the public airport in the state. We support Owen taking the Village of Poplar Grove to the next level, Vote for Owen on April 6th”
— Steve and Tina Thomas
![Newport Curt color[2]](https://villagepresidentpg.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Newport-Curt-color2.png)
“Owen Costanza has the leadership skills, the business skills and the experience to lead Poplar Grove into the future. I confidently endorse Owen Costanza for Poplar Grove Village President.”
— Curtis P. Newport, Boone County Treasurer

Dear Voters,
The past 4 years as County Board Chairman I have had the opportunity to work with Poplar Grove Village President Owen Costanza. I say opportunity and I believe that word helps describe Owen’s approach, he is always looking for opportunities to help move Poplar Grove in a positive direction; whether that is business development, support of existing businesses, community development, and even adding parks for our families to enjoy and use. Owen is a determined leader who is willing to look at all avenues before making decisions. In my many dealings with Owen we have not always agreed on things, but he has always been willing to discuss and listen so that we can come up with the best way to solve any issue.
During this past year Owen has shown his amazing leadership skills by helping to support all local businesses and even getting State grants to help many of these businesses. These much needed funds will help to keep these struggling businesses going during these troubling times.
Please join me in supporting Owen Costanza for another 4 years as Village President in Poplar Grove. He has my confidence and support and I know that he will lead Poplar Grove in the right direction.
— Karl Johnson, Boone County Board Chairman